Partners in Prosthetic Restoration
Please call us with your questions about life-like reconstructive prostheses and the specific needs of your patients. We specialize in facial prostheses for the ear (auricular prosthesis), eye and eyelids (ocular and orbital prosthesis), and nose (nasal prosthesis), as well as prosthetic fingers and hands, custom prosthetic nipples, and breast prostheses.
We can also assist you with surgical planning, post-surgical stents and other custom devices.
We are specialists in Clinical Anaplastology with an international reputation for excellence in prosthetic design and patient service. Since 1988, when Medical Art Resources was established by Julie Jordan Brown, we have been leaders in the design and creation of life-like silicone prostheses that are comfortable, securely attached and blend with surrounding skin. Our prostheses restore anatomy that is missing or altered as a result of traumatic injury, disease, or birth-related conditions. They are intended to restore wholeness and symmetry, as well as some function, such as supporting eyeglasses, hearing devices, and facemasks, among others. Our team prioritizes patient experience and improved quality of life. All are welcome.
Clinical Anaplastology
Minneapolis / St. Paul
Clinical Anaplastology
Milwaukee / Madsion
Clinical Anaplastology
Breast & Nipple Prostheses
Chicago / Indiana
“I just received your report on our mutual patient, and wow, amazing! The right upper facial/orbital prosthesis fits so beautifully well! I really appreciate your extraordinary expertise and skill in restoring our patients’ facial appearance and improving their quality of life!”
How to Refer Patients
Patient referral must be accompanied by a physician’s order for insurance authorization. A completed Medical Art Resources Physician’s order form (PDF) along with your recent clinical notes addressing the medical need for prosthetic reconstruction will assist us with insurance authorization as well as with treatment planning.
Medical Art Resources often receives referrals from non-physicians who share with their patients information about prosthetics as a reconstructive option. These health professionals include nurses and nurse practitioners, physician assistants, audiologists, orthotists/prosthetists, ocularists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, hand therapists, and psychologists. When patient needs extend beyond our areas of expertise we refer to appropriate health professionals.
Tumor Patients
We recommend a pre-surgical appointment with one of our certified clinical anaplastologists to:
Reduce stress and provide some assurance to the patient and their family;
Give us the opportunity to make facial molds and photographs; and
Allow us to plan the location and angle of implants when this is part of the treatment plan.
We allow at least 6 weeks of healing after excisional surgery before we begin work on facial molds. However, we often meet with patients during the healing period (or during radiation therapy), to help with bandaging strategies, custom eye-patches or an interim prosthesis.
Patients with Traumatic Injury
We can meet with your patient at any time during healing to provide information and begin insurance authorization. Because healing time varies depending on the type and extent of injury, we may monitor the patient as they heal to determine the best time to begin. We can take molds and begin treatment when most of the edema is resolved.
Patients with Congenital Differences
We can provide information to patients and families regarding prosthetic treatment options for patients of any age with a congenital difference. Prosthetic treatment is usually delayed until age five or six for most types of prostheses, with the exception of ocular prostheses.
Osseointegrated Implant Retention
Bone-anchored implants for magnetic attachment of an ear prosthesis
Your patients may benefit from osseointegrated craniofacial implants for secure retention of auricular, orbital and nasal prostheses. We have three decades of experience with bone-anchored implants. We can also put you in touch with Southern Implants representatives for surgical support and education and training needs.
Surgical Planning and Guides
Surgical planning models and guides for Vistafix implant placement
Medical Art Resources can provide an array of ancillary services to surgeons. We can create three-dimensional surgical guides and patient models. When surgical ear reconstruction is planned, we can create a model that is an exact mirror image of the unaffected side. We can provide both positive and negative models. Call us with your innovative ideas!
Patient Education Models
Medical Art Resources also creates three-dimensional models for patient education. Our Mohs Surgery - Layered Excision Model is currently in production to meet the needs of dermatological surgeons.
Resources for Your Patients
We have learned from experience that an informed patient is much more comfortable and at ease with their treatment plan. We make sure that our patients fully understand their treatment before, during, and after the procedure. We can mail brochures and our Quick Guide specific to type of prosthesis to your office or directly to your patient for the following services.
Gender Affirming Care
Medical Art Resources believes prosthetic services can play a role in gender affirming care. Our team has experience helping individuals pursue their gender affirming goals with custom nipple and breast prostheses. One benefit of custom prosthetic design is that we he have an opportunity to create patient-specific solutions to address needs unmet by commercially available products and services. Medical Art Resources is committed to providing a safe and inclusive experience for all individuals.
Click to learn more about prosthetic options at Medical Art Resources:
“Julie is an outstanding medical professional who cares deeply for her patients. We trust her completely
and she has always provided excellent services. She and her staff are the best of the best.”